Emotional Intelligence

At Leadership that Works, we offer the BarOn Emotional Intelligence Assessment because the EI assessment is a powerful catalyst for leadership development and personal growth. Research tells us that a person can simply start noticing a skill and it can improve. Our experienced coaches help you discover how to put your assessment to use immediately to create a more powerful leadership style. 

What is emotional intelligence?

For the past century, intelligence has been measured with IQ, which attempts to indicate one’s cognitive capacity and functioning (one’s ability to learn new things, concentrate and focus, recall information, apply knowledge, think rationally and abstractly and solve problems).… Read more


Curiosity dwells at the center of learning. When we choose to see the world with brand new eyes, we adopt a curious mindset. No matter how negative or perplexing the topic, we can stay open and curious. To do that, we approach our coaching sessions without thinking we know exactly what to do. What might be possible? We can acknowledge whatever is present or alive without being in a hurry to get somewhere else. As we keep company with emotions and get curious, the deeper needs emerge. Without applying pressure, we simply open to what is emerging.

There is no such thing as judgmental curiosity.… Read more

Facilitating Heart Connection in Prison

Whether we’re deepening our own self awareness, coaching others, facilitating groups, developing organizations, or leading social change, heart connection is the common denominator in facilitating change. We don’t have to agree to be in synch with others, but if we take off the armor and connect with open hearts, our understanding of each other deepens. Sometimes the opportunity for heart connection sails right by me, but I can still capture the sweetness of missed opportunity in hindsight. I have a story about unexpected learning about heart connection.

When I volunteered to spend three days in a maximum security prison as part of the Alternatives to Violence Project, I expected to be searched by the guards before entering, but didn’t know how much soul searching I’d be doing myself.… Read more

Exploring Needs and Values

Personal leadership is the process of keeping your vision and values before you and

aligning your life to be congruent with them.— Stephen Covey

Exploring Needs and Values is a powerful way to support clients in “coming home” to themselves. It takes them into their core aliveness, so they can effortlessly connect to what matters most. This in turn enables them to take more aligned action, which brings about greater fulfillment, energy and passion. When you explore their unique expression of needs and values, expect to find more than what is on the surface.

Universal Needs and Values

Everyone is driven by universal needs and values.… Read more

Developing the Group’s Facilitation Skills While We Facilitate

The exciting role of a developmental facilitator is to inspire, lead, and structure the group and at the same time help participants learn to facilitate their own process. Serving as a guide and catalyst, the facilitator with heart helps people focus their energy while fostering learning, creativity, productivity, and ownership.

In traditional facilitation, the facilitator helps a group solve a problem by using process skills. This is a short-term fix where the group depends on the facilitator. By contrast, a developmental facilitation process helps groups function more effectively, now and in the future. The facilitator not only helps the group work on a specific issue, but also uses the opportunity to improve their process, enhancing their own facilitation skills as they go, which reduces dependence on the facilitator.… Read more

Discomfort with Leadership

Here is an example of how Embracing the Shadow supported an emerging leader to find her unique leadership style. Lucia is in her early 30’s, a Latina woman from an immigrant family, the first in her family to go to college. She is a new Program Director in a large non-profit organization, grappling with creating sound organizational systems without losing the organic grassroots feel of the work.

Lucia: I’m not comfortable being in a leadership position. I’ve always been so critical of leaders. I don’t really have any good role models. Many of the leaders I’ve observed have been very divorced from the work on the ground.… Read more

Embracing the Shadow: Transformation of Parts

Most parts do not want or need to be transformed. They just need to be heard. Once clients integrate the information from multiple parts, they can make informed decisions about what changes they wish to make.

Above all else, parts need to be loved exactly as they are. If they get a hint that we are trying to change them, they interpret that as judgment, and rightly so. Coaches can get into trouble if we imply there is anything wrong with the part. One whiff of that and the part feels misunderstood and loses trust.

Once parts are deeply understood, they can relax, and that can be all the transformation they need.… Read more

Facilitating Transformation: 30 Examples of Group Facilitation Skills

A wide range of skills gives us multiple options at any moment. To follow are 30 transformational facilitation skills with examples. 

Acknowledging – helping people see things they may not see about their values or needs.

Example: “It sounds like this group cares deeply about team spirit and making a meaningful contribution.”

Articulating – succinctly describing what is happening in the moment and validating the client’s experience.

Example: The group expresses both fear and excitement about confronting the board. You say, “I sense excitement as well as fear and a desire to be understood.” Follow an articulation with an empowering question.… Read more

Embracing the Shadow: Detecting New Parts

Listening to parts is usually very simple as long as we hold respect. Perhaps the trickiest part of the process is noticing when a new part comes into the system. But how do we know if it’s the same part or a different part? The telltale sign is a shift in emotion or energy. The body or the voice might shift too. When a part expresses a radical change in its belief or shifts to holding a new set of values, that’s usually a sign that another part has decided to speak.

If the Strict Parent part suddenly says, “Well maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to give the children more freedom to make their own choices and mistakes,” that’s not the Strict Parent part having an epiphany, it’s the Lenient Parent wanting to be heard.… Read more

Cultural Transformation

In organizational coaching, just as in personal coaching, a transformational approach puts the emphasis toward improving whole systems rather than solving specific problems.

Cultural transformation is a radical form of systemic change that builds on the positive energy that already exists. Instead of condemning past values, norms, beliefs and practices, we identify what is already serving the culture and find ways to expand the life force. We identify the aliveness and collective wisdom by looking deep within and discovering what is already effective in terms of economics, ecology and humanity. We then generate solutions that tap collective wisdom.

Lynn Twist does innovative work as a social entrepreneur with the Pachamama Alliance.… Read more