Exploring Relational Schemas: Unpacking the Blueprints of Connection


This workshop is designed to help participants explore and understand the relational schemas that shape their interactions with others.



Relational schemas are the mental frameworks that guide how we perceive, interpret, and respond to social interactions. These schemas, formed through our earliest relationships and experiences, can profoundly impact our adult relationships, often operating beneath our conscious awareness. Whether they manifest as recurring patterns in friendships, partnerships, or professional interactions, understanding these schemas is key to fostering healthier and more intentional relationships.  
Objectives of the workshop: This workshop is designed to help participants explore and understand the relational schemas that shape their interactions with others. Through a blend of experiential exercises, reflective discussions, and theoretical insights, participants will uncover the deep-rooted patterns that influence their relationships and learn how to create more authentic and fulfilling connections.
Date: 30th September, Monday.
Duration: 2 hours
Time: 11 am to 1 pm eastern time